Part of recovery is fixing fixing a toilet seat

Part of recovery is fixing fixing a toilet seat that you broke (highbrow poop joke)


That must have been some turd huh

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you try and take five minutes to yourself at work lol :roll_eyes:

Great photo to represent 2020. Toilet paper, paper towel, and disinfectant in the same photo. Your smile brings cheer to 2020. Thank you for sharing.

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Why does it look like you have a car steering wheel club on that toilet seat lolll

Seriously though I wish I was good at photoshop, because this picture is ripe for it


We try and enjoy ourselves at work haha

Those are clamps lol we can’t get anyone to come fix it so we’re epoxying it lol. This isn’t the worst thing that’s happened at my office.

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Funny thing is I've dealt with two broken toilets at my job. Not caused by me though :rofl:

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I thought you had mounted the club to a toilet seat…


2020 is almost over. Good things will happen to all of us in 2021. I have faith!

Oh look a picture of me and my ex :joy::joy::joy:

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