Panic attack. Hello old friend. 😩

Panic attack. Hello old friend. :weary:

I'm sorry.

What do you do to treat your panic attacks?

Good Morning Amanda, Thanks for writing. I’m on Zoloft, Lyrica, and Visteral prn for my panic attacks and severe anxiety. Before I got sober I would just take pain pills or snort heroin. However, I’m sober, and grateful for it. July 9th will be 18 months for me. My panic attack is because I’m flying to NYC to visit my family. Haven’t seen them since December 2019. Which was before I was sober. I’m learning how to deal with life without substances. It’s all new to me. Anyway, I’m originally from NY. Born and raised. Now currently live in Charlotte NC.
How are you doing today? Where are you from? Btw: This is embarrassing but I don’t really have any friends since I got sober. I have a few from when I was in rehab. They all live in various states and we do keep in touch. I also don’t have a sponsor either.

I have found with panic attack they can be managed. I had a friend with severe anxiety disorder. I could see an attack coming. What I would do is send her off the line to do dish. It was a quieter place with one task to focus on. Not sure if the same idea can be implemented for you, but I find it helps to get to a quiet place and do something that requires your attention. Something like crochet or coloring. The focus on something other than the rising feelings of panic can often disrupt the attack before it takes control.

Hi, Karen. I'm sorry you have anxiety. In the bright side, you'll be connecting with family. So the anxiety will vanish soon and won't be able to return. :grin:

I live in IN. Don't be embarrassed about no friends. It happens to most of us. If I didn't attend church I would not have sober friends.

Congrats on almost 18 months. That's no small feat.