Over 3 years alcohol free

Over 3 years alcohol free, this area is hard during the summer as everyone parties at the lake cabin. Wanted to join this ap and hopefully connect and find booze free events this summer. Big into yoga and art!

Meditation, yoga, art and spirit are my saviors :metal:


Congrats on 3 years! You remained sober 3 summers already. You can do it again.

Check out the Boozeless Guides section. There are tons of free online meditation, yoga, and art events. We hope to be able to listen more in person events as things improve around COVID-19.

Who's your favorite artist?

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I need to get into yoga more. Love going for runs though! Congrats on the 3 years!

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Congrats on the long term sober success. And finding healthy hobbies. Especially expressing through art. I’m trying to get to that place myself. So your story is inspirational. Also, is Fargo as cool as the TV series makes it out to be?

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Nice to see someone sober so long and finding fun and healthy ways to assist with recovery. Great job and we're all here on the same team to support each other😊

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Congratulations! It's a beautiful thing!

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3 years! That’s fantastic! I started yoga myself and it had helped center me as well as a chance to pause my brain. It would be great if you haven’t already join some local adventure groups that do outdoor activities like hiking, canoeing connect with nature yet still socialize! And of course sign up for yoga :woman_in_lotus_position: and art classes!

Just saw free Friday meditation online on this app! Start your morning off right! I’m going to check it out!

Congrats :tada:

That’s fucking awesome I hope I can reach that I’m only two months. 3 years is an achievement congrats.

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Congratulations on 3 years