Other addictions

I indulge in other addictions since my alcoholism is in remission, at least physically. Just checking how others deal with other addictions.


Read pgs: 416-419 in the big book, that helps me when Iā€™m in a low place. It really gives me hope and faith that I need. God loves you brother!


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In AA alcohol is the problem. In NA addiction is the problem. I've been an addict my whole life. As a child collecting hot wheels, star wars figures, comic books, long before drugs came into the picture. I have an addictive personality, I'm an addict. Sex, spending money, gambling, relationships, all things I have to work on keeping in check. Moderation and logic. Asking myself is this too much? Asking my sponsor when I feel like it is too much. Practicing self control and discipline of my actions. It's like a muscle, the more you work it, the stronger it gets.


So well put Andrew
Addiction is physical, spiritual and worst for me, mental. I also have to moderate most things I do!!! Addiction comes with an addictive personality. It says so on the packaging.

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It can be a tendency to get too attached to different things, agreed. Also working on practicing non attachment

Definitely sticking to the basics in my recovery with other things as well for example practicing delayed gratification

I got myself addicted to fitness and that honestly helps a lot of aspects of my life. Its a tough addiction to get going but highly suggest getting at it.