
Do you believe in mental health days?
I am Completely wiped out. I’m feel I have pushed myself to the limit. I really want to take the day off of work because my body and mind are very upset with me. Kinda running on empty here. This is something I have always felt guilty for.

Good morning I don’t have any idea what’s going on with you but I know this Jesus loves us beyond our human understanding please take this knowledge and meditate on it ok!!?


I absolutely believe in mental health day! If your employer doesn’t love them, try and plan an activity after work that will recharge you. I found that worked best for me when I couldn’t necessarily just call out of work. Hope this helps :grin:

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I believe sick days should also have mental health days, or as I call them...I Need a Break Days.

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Yea I took a week off work for my mental health break a few weeks ago. I've been burned out for over a year. Think I'm due for a mental health day again

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Why not? If one needs time to collect themselves and recuperate, then do so! Perhaps if one doesn't take care of themselves, then a "mental health day" will become mandatory, rather than voluntary.:thinking:

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For sure! We're humans. God created the world in 6 days and rested on day 7. He rested and created us to rest.

Get your rest. You will accomplish more in 1 day rested than you will in 2 days without rest.

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Absolutely! It's so important we take care of ourselves. By you saying you usually feel guilty to do so (me too!) means you probably don't do it very iften at all. When you look back on life, chances are you'll say 'I should have taken the day' :blush:

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I’ve had those days for sure.