Only day 2, and I know it will get harder

Only day 2, and I know it will get harder before it gets easier, but I’m glad I found this app and am looking forward to the support it may give me :slight_smile:


Welcome. There are a lot of wonderful online supports available. Is this your first stint in sobriety?

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Thanks for the comment, I did it for 4 months in 2018 and I wish I kept it going back then. I’ve done a month here and there since. Typically the second and third weeks are the most difficult and then it gets slightly easier. This time around though I need to focus on sober friends so I don’t make the same mistakes.

Definitely a good idea about the friends. I’ve only been on here a few days but it’s nice to see other people’s gratitude and milestones. Lots of people find community in AA. I go to Refuge Recovery meetings online. My teeny tiny town doesn’t have many in person options, and it’s been kinda cool to hit meetings with people across the country. Is your family supportive?

It only gets worse if you make it worse takes time and patience stay positive. Easier said than done I understand you got this

Hey, welcome. NYC here

Better days are ahead. I promise. your community definitely matters. I’ve had a big shift in my friend group since I got sober. I thought I’d lost some people forever but it’s been surprising to see who comes back into my life and who I’ve ended up inspiring along the way. try to stay curious about the changes. It’ll help you stick with it.

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