Only 7 days in and hating it… feeling terrible!

Only 7 days in and hating it… feeling terrible!

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Hang in there it gets better

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Thank u dear

7 days is a great accomplishment, you should be proud of yourself for that. I couldn't even go 24 hours without a drink for years. It took many hospital visits and the promise of a terribly awful alcoholic death just to get to 24 hours sober. Feeling terrible is part of the process. It gets better I can assure you that just as I can assure you the Sun will rise tomorrow. :+1: Well done


Means a lot for real…. Needed that😊 .. thanks Kevin

Hell yeah! :metal:

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This is only my 2nd day. Woke up at 3:30, my brain wouldn’t stop going down that negative path, so I just kept reminding myself it will get better. You made it 7 days, that’s amazing. It’s hard, hang in there.


That terrible feeling is caused by alcohol. Not cured by it. Taking a drink is only pushing pause. A program for recovery changes the game.

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Congrats on Day 7.

The beginning is the hardest. Don't give up now. We know you can kick addiction's butt.

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Yeah, it definitely sucks.

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7 days is amazing! Just keep on fighting

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Yes it is BabyGirl and believe it or not, this app has seriously helped big time with everyone’s support!!! Thank u

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Thank u Nicole

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Awww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Amanda I really appreciate the positive vibes

Very true Craig… I am actually attending a meeting in a few hours to get that support… thank u

I think most of the feelings are in my head to be honest

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EMBRACE THE PAIN. It doesn’t last and you’ll transform.

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Being sober can take work and some frustration. Being drunk is easy. Take the challenge but do it one day, one hour at a time. Soon you will sleep like never before.

Trust me, it gets better every day. I had a bad detox this time and terrible withdrawal symptoms but 93 days in I feel like a million bucks! Fight through!! It is sooooo worth it!

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Thanks Ryan omg u just don’t realize how much it helps knowing y’all are out there going through the same thing :two_hearts:

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