One year πŸ™!

Last year on June 1st was a very different and scary day. Today I want to and am able to celebrate my progress and the blessed possibilities of a healthy future.

Thank you all for bringing me hope and keeping me sober. I joined Loosid last year after returning to the hospital as my life threatening diagnosis began to quickly progress. Loosid was my support during 5 1/2 months in the hospital. I am extremely grateful for this app and community :yellow_heart:.


Congrats Melissa!

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Proud of you.

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Amazing! Congratulations, keep up the great work!

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Melissa what an inspiration you are! I have followed you on here since joining this community and you always have a kind word and are supportive of others. When we give of ourselves our lives become fuller. Life’s paradox.
Congratulations on your anniversary! One year being sober is a feat unto itself, being in recovery is a whole other thing. You are rocking recovery. So glad I joined so I am able to see people like you get sober and get that peace, joy and serenity that we can all have if we work for it. Much love :two_hearts:


Hell yea!

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Way to go. You seem to work a solid program, and it really shows. :blush:


Good work! Glad you’re feeling better :heart:

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Fantastic! You've come so far.

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Outstanding! Congrats!

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Behind you :100:%

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Thank you so much Shanna! That is incredibly kind of you :yellow_heart:.

Thanks man! Glad we could celebrate together :partying_face:!

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Hey Matthew, I appreciate that. I am trying! Let go and let God :v:.

Thanks Amanda and thank you for everything you do for Loosid :grin:.

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Thank you Larry for all of your support :pray:.