One of the HARDEST things of all of this

One of the HARDEST things of all of this is not being able to be honest about it, esp to my husband who is my best friend and knows me better than I know myself. BUT as an addict, im VERY good at hiding my problem. I want to discuss it now because i realize i need inpatient help, anx i want it NOW, but i cant do that without giving up my struggle story... HOW do i explain to him that i have essentially ruined our lives knowing full well what I was doing? Hes aware that i have a problem because i came Clean this summer with him. Our culture is very drinkong oriented amd he loves to tie one on but i told him he needs to hide the Alcoh or remove it from the house on days hes not drinking. But, the holidays are upon us and i wound up in the er for 2 days because of Thanksgiving/his birthday, and i was doing so good until Christmas eve, and now im a complete mess again. I know i cant do this detox at home, the way my body immediately reacted to alcohol on Xmas eve it Was Literally immediate. Withdrawal effects. How can i gently say, "hey, i think i need to go to detox for a few days" without summoning a divorce? His opinion of me means more to me than anything in the world and i dont want. To lose his respect. We also have a 2 year old and no family around to help, so its gonna be a huge weight on his shoulders. Im considering flying me and my toddler to where my parents are (about 8 - 10 hrs of flight time) to go to detix there descreetly so he doesn't have to know about this. Im a good person and dont want to live in the shadows anymore. I hate this! Any advise is helpful!

Being honest is your best bet. I hid my drinking from my wife for more than 10 years. It ruined our marriage. I only recently told her and she is very angry with me… And she should be. I hope I can repair the damage. We are currently separated. Don't make my mistake.

Hi kate plz add me les talk infeel the same way

Would you want him to be honest with you if he was struggling with something as serious as addiction? How would u feel if he hid something like that from you? If I were in your shoes, I'd be open and honest with him. If you're serious about getting help and beginning your journey of recovery then he deserves to know. At least, that's what I think. Whether he accepts who you are and what you're going through will more than likely define if he stands true to the whole, “in sickness and in health” part.. I wish u the best in whatever lies ahead

You know what to do. I can tell you it won’t be easy but if you start being honest with yourself it gets easier to be honest with everybody around you. Unfortunately the only way to get clean is work a program that is all about you. You come first. Then it will all come into place.

I think that it would be Nobel of you to say… “hey, I need help… I need to go to a detox facility “ you are putting your husband and child first by saying… You both deserve the best me. So I need to fix myself. Feel free to DM me if you need to talk or vent!

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Being honest now will keep you from have to be honest in the future when your drinking has created something that actually warrants a divorce. It may be hard at first but it's better to ask for help than forgiveness just remember youre playing things out as the worse case scenario in your mind when he may be just waiting for you to ask for help.

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The best thing you can do for your family is to be honest with him. It sounds like he loves you. If he knows you have/had a problem I'm not sure why you would feel he would leave. Perhaps you should talk with him. Be honest. Be upfront. If your parents will know what's going on he should, too.

You don't want to carry the burden of hiding this from your husband.