One of the hardest days

One of the ha hardest days to deal with and keep my soberity


Just get through the next 5 minutes. Worry about the rest of it all when it gets there.


That's all I can do

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One moment at a time. Hard days don't last always.

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I hope so

Don’t be hard on yourself and let it keep u down, I know u probably feel like u just threw away 7 years of sobriety but that’s that true u still have 7 years of sobriety under your belt, everyone slips up so don’t label yourself a failure and let it keep you using like I did cuz I promise you if you do you’ll blink your eyes and 3 years will have gone by, trust me, pick yourself back up while it’s still relatively easy.

I hope you can find peace brother. You have the choice. It’s easy to give in as I’ve read, some people were born with a natural bend to negative thinking. It takes work to want to make the good choices. Stay positive. It’s hard, but taking care of yourself through self care is a start. Reflect on you, and talk to people. It helps. I appreciate you being here.

Thank u . I need support now more then ever

I'm really trying