One of the beautiful gifts of sobriety is being able

One of the beautiful gifts of sobriety is being able to trace my steps when I misplace something. I got excited when I was able to think back to the last place I remember having it. When I was active in my alcoholism I was doing good to be able to tell you what day it was.


Haha. So true.

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Oh god the morning after reviewing my night based upon texts sent and social media posts/comments. :grimacing:


Normies would just laugh because it's something they've done their whole lives. It's the small things to me like this that encourage me to move forward in sobriety


Oh dude. I know right? Scared to even look at my phone🙄

“That’s not so bad”

It is when its your every day life :man_shrugging:

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I was too. To be honest sometimes I wouldn't be able to until I I had another to calm my anxiety and I thought it was frickin amazing if I had managed not to text anyone :sweat_smile:.

I agree with the memory completely! And I am so much more organized! I was a slob. I misplaced my phone while just walking around and getting my coffee extra. Immediately knew it was in 1 of 3 specific places. Genius!


Yes ma'am :rofl::rofl: I completely relate