One month!

I made it to 30 days sober. This past week has been hell and I can feel the urge getting stronger and my mind starting to slip and think maybe it will be ok to have just one but I know it’s not. I’m grateful to be here today. Need to get into the big book and get a sponsor to keep me on track. Hope everyone has a great day.


Great for you Kaylin. Today id 38 days for me.
Hang in there. It gets better. The first 3 weeks were brutal and every week is getting better and better. :pray:t4:


Congrats Kaylin!


Stay strong! At least you’re recognizing your urges. Perfectly natural to get those, we all do, but they’ll pass. Continue to learn and add new tools to fight off those urges...going for a walk, listening to music, meditation, working out...everyone is different. I needed a list of these at first when the urges came but after months they subsided significantly. Congrats on your 30 days!



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30 days is huge!! All you gotta do is make it thru today. You got this

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Congrats. Keep it up!

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Harder to stay sober than to get sober. Think the drink through, remember well where you end up!

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Congrats! :tada:

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Nice work. Hope your doing well today. I just received my 60 day chip

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Yes ma’am…. Have to remember where that first drink takes me. Don’t wanna go back there!!

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Yes, finding things I enjoy doing sober is a task at times. I lost everything to drinking, even myself. Gotta find me again!!

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Thank you Nathan and congrats to you on your 60 days!! That’s amazing!


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Woo-hoo! Go Kaylin!

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I’m excited for you! Great job, day at a time!

Way to go Kaylin, ! ! !
That is Wonderful! Keep up the Great work. Each step, each day on a healthy lifestyle, & mindset is definitely the right choice; as you know! Your self awareness is in the right direction | you see the negative, & seek for positive, healthy solutions! Very proud, & joyful of your progression! ! :+1::cowboy_hat_face::shamrock::us:
Keep plugged in with healthy people! Congratulations!
God Bless

Yeah !!! You can do it every one can do it.:partying_face::partying_face:

Congratulations on 30 days! Stay strong :muscle:- You've got this!
