One moment at a time

I suffer from bipolar disorder, anxiety, PTSD, and trauma. One moment at a time is how I strive to live. I have rapid cycling concerning my moods at times I get very impulsive and that can be bad sometimes. I've been in and out of institutions for suicidal ideations with attempts. My wife died in 2015. I've been struggling raising my youngest because of my depression. Anyway I may have been through a lot but always have an open ear if anyone is struggling. Stay blessed!!!


I struggle with the same diagnosises. I just wanted to remind you that your awesome and your trying your best and that's all that matters. Just keep on keeping on! Im deeply sorry for your loss. Thank you for offering your ear. I might just take you up on it! But I am also here if you need someone to talk to.

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I also have many of the same diagnosis. I'm so sorry for the loss of your wife. That is a pain I cant even imagine. I am recently divorced because of my bipolar and alcoholism. I bailed on my wife when she needed me most, so I could wallow in the depths of my disorders and addiction. I've been sover for almost a month, and recently started meds for bipolar II. Been in a mostly mixed episode for a couple years. Hang in there Michael. Thank you for sharing your story. Perhaps we can help support each other.