One day I had some nursing students in my group

One day I had some nursing students in my group observing. I asked them a question Why do you want to become a nurse? I got answers like it’s a career, it would be exciting , financial stability , I want to help people and so on. I appreciated their answers then I said there is only one reason you should become a nurse or any other thing you choose in life it’s because you would Be Great at it! What’s going to separate you from others in your field? It’s the attitude you bring with you to work everyday. The willingness to take risks and be genuine! As one of my friends always says Go Be Great!


Thank you for sharing this inspirational message. I'll be great today. 1 day at a time.

“The willingness to take risks and be genuine” stuck out for me! I strive for that in all areas of my life. Thank you for sharing.