On day 16, and woke up feeling incredibly anxious for

On day 16, and woke up feeling incredibly anxious for no reason. Is that normal in the beginning of sobriety?


Hey James, congrats on your progress. Day 16 is awesome! Anxiety, by definition, is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. In other words, anxiety is future-oriented fear. So, what are you afraid of? What beliefs are causing you to feel anxious?


First few weeks I had a lot of anxious moments. I think it is just normal when adjusting to anything new, and especially this. Take some deep breaths and relax and realize it will pass…

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I had it pretty easy for the first 10 days and then on Saturday I had all these negative thoughts. Sometimes what helps me is to say the worse case scenario and how it would still be ok.

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Definitely was pretty rough for me at first too and still is here and there… I blocked out so much emotion with using that I was so unclear on what was bothering me but it's becoming easier to understand the longer I am sober. Hang in there .. talk it out.

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Hey Kevin,

Not sure it's anything that is going to happen. Could have been from meeting up with family yesterday while they were all drinking. All is good now.

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Got some healthy food in me and was able to fit in some exercise. Feeling much better now. Thanks for the kind words.

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