Okay! Here I go - Day 2. I’m bew on

Okay! Here I go - Day 2. I’m new on this site and Need so bad to get a grip and make my sobriety #1...my drinking binges are sooo bad that I completely black out. First time reaching out to others who struggle - so hi to you all and thanks for sharing your struggles. Read some already, helps me not feel alone and pick up self and get through today.


You can do it!! I'm on day 7 now!!


Totally agree with you. I am starting day one again.


Good job!!

We got this!’

Grateful for you sharing and reaching out! Hope you find a kindness to do for yourself this weekend for being on this journey!

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Aww thanks :pray:! You too

great job!

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You got this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: take one day at a time

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Hey my name is John I'm a recovering alcoholic and drug addict been sober 26 years just remember you can get through this your mind is stronger than you think it is take a minute by minute hour by hour minute by minute day by day if you fall off the wagon get back up on it like you on the wagon relapse is not shame you just got to keep on trying and you got to do it for yourself and no one else and if you have people around you that aren't trying to help you then they're not your friends so get rid of them I hope you have a great mother's Day and stay sober for Mom


Let’s do this together I am 24 hrs sober​:muscle::muscle:

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