Ok so here my blah blah try to lane it

Ok so here my blah blah try to make it as short as possible. Ok I’m 35. From age 14 - 22 I smoked meth everyday of my life. The got a good job and quit 100. Confident. The sober from drugs for lil over 10 year’s. Got into a car wreck and spent bout 2 years in hospital losing everything! My house l, job, car, kid etc . Then as I’m being released I had court ( for the accident ) DUI and I was reprimanded for 120 days where I relapsed on meth, got out and continued it for 2 years now. I’m codependent times ten, no confidence or self esteem. Piece of straight shit loser I am. My 15 yo and I are here living at my parents with no job, no car,nothing
Boohoo poor me


Ok, I am trying to figure out of you are serious or just not taking recovery seriously. If you story is true you have people here who will help you work through it, but the "blah blah blah" and "boohoo poor me" say you are trying to make fun of those in recovery.


Incorrect and apologies if it came off that way.100. I’m simply grown exhausted of telling my story and yet I do. I thing about it is all.

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Many details absent but yes 100 true

Hi Kristin! If you’re really serious about getting clean and sober. You need to get off for the boo-hoo in the poor mise and get your ass to a rehab center. The part that I really don’t get as you were 10 years sober from drugs in a car accident and spent two years in the hospital. And then you get out and went to court for your accident and got reprimanded 120 days. And you relapsed on meth. Why and how would you do that? You need to ask yourself that and answer it truthfully. Because if you’re not truthful with yourself are not being truthful with anybody else. So get over yourself and start doing what you Gotta do. And you know what you have to do if you had 10 years sober. This might seem to be a little harsh. How could you relapse being reprimanded wherever you were for 120 days.

But you know what you Gotta do.

Sorry if y’all think this is a little harsh. But some people need that Toughlove.

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Your story so mirrors my own. I was clean from meth for 17 years, and became a daily user again after a motorcycle accident age 33. I’m 37 now and have been completely sober for over 13 months. There is hope.


Congrats Danny. I know there’s hope. Jesus and sobriety will flip my entire world upside down!! And it’s cool to know there is someone somewhere that has similar story thank u

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How did I relapse after all those years ?I hadn’t seen my kid in 2 years, no longer had a house, job, car, etc and rolling around in a wheelchair.. clearly I no longer cared about myself. Self esteem wiped clean.nothing to feel proud about etc. I have been to rehab recently. Salvation Army. 6 month program I made it 34 days. No bueno.

Ok. I was just concerned. We occasionally have people who are here just to cause mess. You as looking at a mess right now but remember even the great pyramid was once just a pile of rocks. You can rebuild from where you are.

Kristin, hey, girl. I’m so sorry you are in the place you are. I have relapsed multiple times under less objectively stressful circumstances and I admire you for getting on here and sharing your story.

Please do not let anyone shame you or in any way make you feel less for relapsing. It’s ok to be tired, it’s ok to feel whatever you are feeling. Whatever worked for you before, you can find it again.

Will be thinking of you. DM me if you want to chat. You got this. :heart:

Today is a new day! Make it special!!!

How are you doing today?

End of story best of luck with your sobriety… moving forward

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Drugs suck

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Hey babe day is new and your still beautiful! You got it this time