Ok so anyone in Dallas wanna chat

Ok so anyone in Dallas wanna chat. Ive been attending a particular group for a bit and I pick up a vibe that may or may not be right, but id like to know if anyone else can weigh in before I go off the beam and change.

I'm not in Dallas. Anytime you need to chat let me know.

Hi how are you?

I used to live in TX. Got sober in 2002, Lubbock Texas. Then I lived in Keene, TX which is down Highway 67 from Dallas just before Cleburne.

Unfortunately, I relapsed after almost 9 years. It cost me three years of my life out there and it was a big lesson. My new sobriety date is July 6th 2014.

I don't think you have to really speak to somebody that is local in the Dallas area in order to get the scoop on how things are supposed to work. I may not have an answer but I will certainly give you my opinion. Us alcoholics are good at doing that. LOL

It's good to hear you have a new sobriety date and learned a lot Dave. When we fall and get back up that's what is important. Keep going and don't look back.

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I’m not in Dallas either but now I’m nosy and want to hear the gossip :sweat_smile:

Thank you so much for your support Amanda. I'm glad you're here too!