Ok I need to share. I’ve been going to cr

Ok I need to share. I’ve been going to cr and have been attending church and counseling for my alcoholism. I’ve been doing this now for 4 months and I was still drinking. But now I think I can stop. I want to. Just trying to get my conscious clear.


No middle of the road solution bro, always keep 2 feet in the program. Our minds are our worst enemies in recovery. You’ve got this! May God be with you


They say that there are many that need AA but you got to want AA

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Yes I am realizing finally I think all the work I’ve been putting in is finally starting to sink in


Great advice. This addiction is very sneaky and kills.


Self deception is a killer. Is your life unmanageable? How so? Internally? Externally?

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I’m at work today. Trying not to think about drinking. Find myself thinking about my failing marriage. But I’m about 30 hours sober and trying not to get myself upset. So that I don’t drink when I get off.

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Please consider seeking treatment. I drank for 40 years, tried sobriety a few times but couldn’t hang long white knuckling it. I just completed treatment at Hazelden, Betty Ford in Newberg, OR. I’m now a grateful alcoholic with peace in my heart at last. I couldn’t be more grateful. They treated ALL of me, not just my drinking. Alcoholism is a symptom of deeply rooted issues. These addiction specialists helped me get to the bottom of them. I’ll still be in therapy, with a therapist that specializes in trauma and addiction, maybe for the rest of my life. Serenity has defeated the loneliness and darkness in my life... one day at a time.

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Please feel free to reach out to me anytime. YOU can do this. Alcohol is a bitch; you deserve a happy life.

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I am hoping it won’t come to that. I am in therapy. And aa and cr. I know it might not work and I may need to enter treatment. But if I relapse again it’s the only way I know this

Thank you.

40 years in, wish I would have sought treatment 35 years ago... it’s nothing to resort to, it’s the most efficient way to sobriety. Best to you John.

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Being open about your path is key to keeping it straight. I would love to say something different in this thread but I must echo others. As the bible puts it, "man cannot serve two masters." And another verse comes to mind, " a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Once you have made up your mind to follow one path it will be easier for you. You will eliminate the guilt you feel from living straddling the proverbial fence.