Now what?

1,003 days no alcohol. I need something to fill the hole. I run. I eat healthy. I am responsible. I am bored.


Do a podcast? Look up anchor. It’s an app. You can have a published podcast for free. Super fun. Record episodes with your phone. I’m hooked. May not be for you, but maybe it is? Congrats on the 1,003 days! That’s a huge accomplishment!

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What are you curious about? Chase that. What do you wish you know more about? Find out. Needs an escape? Get a good book! I’ve totally switched up the kinds of book s I’m reading since the pandemic. I used to read serious non-fiction now I’m all about historical fiction or anything set in a far away location (like 1920’s Paris). I’m pretty sure Babbel offers free language lessons too. And Coursera does free trials if you want to take a course.

You could also volunteer (parks, food banks, etc) or offer to be a mentor to youth services.


Same Boat different lake....1991 days.

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Exercise cooking and Netflix. Boredom never goes away but staying busy and staying connected works for me


Thanks Matt, I'll check that out.

Love the 1920s Paris. Language lessons... good idea

Love to volunteer too

None Linda. I think that's a big part. Do love coffee though

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It’s a parallel universe brotha. My social circle is damn near non existent because of it.

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I ride a motorcycle all over the USA best feeling of being in the moment plus a very cheap and fun way to travel

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Step work. Meeting. Meetups with sponsor. Service work. Meditation. Amendments.

I can fill an afternoon just forgiving myself and my many many resentments..

And now for the less program related stuff, I like to garden, build things and fix things. I’ve found that anything that gives me a feeling of accomplishment really helps my mental state greatly.

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I had the same problem, the “now what’s?”. It’s a strange feeling, to realize you have achieved your goal but unsure of what you should now be doing with it. I would recommend finding a hobby you loved to do prior to a relationship with substances. After that, I began a new relationship and the “now what’s” disappeared quickly after. I would say it is not a bad thing you are experiencing, just the universe telling you it is time for the next chapter...

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Thanks Sean

Thank you Linda

Yeah, lost some "friends " that's for sure

Thanks Craig