Now that I’m sober how do I quit smoking?

Now that I’m sober how do I quit smoking?

Hey Frank: I quit cigarettes, I assume, thru vaping and then to the nicotine patch which was prescribed by my doctor. I go to meetings too which definitely helps because I would share about it. Now, I'm well over six months off ALL forms of nicotine!! I applaud you for reaching out. :+1:

I quit cold turkey. The first day was really hard, but each day got easier and after 4 days I felt better and the cravings weren’t that bad. I suggest having a buddy with you for the 1st day, just for support. Get out of the house, do something you enjoy doing. Gum helps. Everyone is different, but that’s what worked for me. Oh, once you quit, never trick yourself into thinking you can have just 1. I did that, bought a pack, and eventually had to go through the withdrawals again. Good luck to you. Quitting smoking was one of the most freeing things I’ve ever done.

First of all I would wait until you get your first year. There's way too much going on in our first year to be trying to quit 2 habits at the same time. I got sober December 11th of 2002 and then I went and quit in October of 2003 just before my first year anniversary. So yes I did break the rules. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone completely quitting smoking by way of vaping.

For some reason it seems like people that Vape are only switching handcuffs. I used nicotine gum for a while and then I started to wean myself off of the gum. I kept it around in case of an emergency. Then I got to a point where I just wasn't carrying any more. The payoff has been tremendous.