Now that I’m an avid reader, I thought I’d share

I read that “People wore rubber bands around their wrist when they decided to let go of a certain destructive behavior, like drugs or smoking.

The rubber band not only served as a constant reminder, but also a valuable tool for inflicting guilt whenever that person caught himself repeating the old behavior.

By quickly pulling the rubber band and letting it go, the rubber band caused a slight pinch, which helped recondition the mind, associating the bad behavior with discomfort.”

They represent Purpose, Outcome, Decision and Support.

I decided to get one that says, “We move for a better life.” and the other says, “It’s Personal.” Strangely enough, I’m given some sort of strength both physically and psychologically.


I actually have one of these that says HOPE. I have not yet tortured myself with it yet haha. But it also says " For I know the plans I have for you says the lord, plans to prosper and not to harm you,plans to give you future and hope" Jeremiah 29:11.

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I still wear my rubber vivitrol bracelet even though I’m not on vivitrol. It might be a little foolish but God forbid if I get in an accident, I don’t want them pumping me full of morphine