Not sure where to start

Not sure where to start. I guess today is day 1 for me. I really need/want this. Have for a while now but haven't wanted to tell anyone around me because I'm ashamed. I struggle to stay sober in the evening. All day I tell myself "you got this" & then 4, 5, 6 o'clock rolls around and I start to tell myself "just one" & "you'll be better this time" next thing I know it's 5am and I'm hating myself. Some days I make it through and convince myself I don't have a problem just no self control & the cycle begins again. I need this. I need to be sober, I cannot live this way. I'm just not sure how to go about it.

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Hey Michelle, I used to be stuck in the same cycle and it took me a long time to break free from it. The key to overcoming any addiction is changing your beliefs. My article on Your Life Reflects The Beliefs You've Settled For might be helpful for you. Also, there are plenty of 12-step and non-12-step options available if you want to try support group meetings, therapy, recovery coaching, etc. Are you interested in any of those options?

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What other support groups?? I would b interested in recovery . May b a coach?

Day 1 for me as well..

Hey Kyle, what type of support group are you looking for? 12-step or non-12-step?

And what type of coach? 12-step or non-12-step? Free or paid?

Hi Michelle. I. Just added this app a week ago but after reading your note I felt like I could really relate the the feeling of having good intentions in the morning but the slightest thing derailing me in the afternoon. Anyway, I'm 41 days sober today and wish you well. I'm taking it slow, not just day by day, but sometimesminute by minute.

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Hey Michelle. Just wanted to let you know that I’ve been there and you’re not alone. It might be helpful to, instead of asking whether or not you have a problem, asking whether or not alcohol/drugs are adding to or taking away from your life and happiness. The fact that you most often “give in” during the evening suggests that you’ve built a very strong habit. The bad news is that your habit is connected to an already addictive substance. The good news is that we do have the power to re-wire our habits to make changes in our lives. A good place to start might be, taking note of the first “que” in your habit tonight. Ex. A thought that realizes it’s 5pm. instead of doing what you’d normally do, try taking a different action entirely. ideally, going to a virtual sobriety group would be a wonderful replacement habit. It’s also what helped me in the beginning

Hi Michelle how's your day going?