Not sure what I was Thinking or maybe I wasn'

Not sure what I was Thinking or maybe I wasn' ..I got invited to a Casino this Saturday and I said Sure why not i can just gamble. ..After I'm there for some time . It seem like everything went in slow motion. I noticed lots of people drinking. My so call friends were drunk and stone as hell and what ever else they did before o got there.. And then I Felt a Disturbance in the Force ..Something told me to get out that this is not me. So I left and went home and thought I don't need another addiction like Gambling lol ..Next day some of the Friends ask me why I didn't Show Up. GOOD BYE MY OLD FRIENDS..TIME FOR SOME NEW ONES..


Unfortunately, my circle too, has become very small. If not non existent.


Hmmm, gambling is a "yet" for me. Blowing money while being around unlimited free drinks is a dangerous atmosphere for me. I love the whole idea of it though. I've listened to sponsee bothers and sisters talk about their bad experiences with gambling while having many years in recovery. They didn't paint any pretty pictures for me.

PS: If you need new friends, then why not try going to a meeting? There are even meetings for young people with dinner/dances. They can be a lot of fun. Don't let your addiction tell you that recovery can't be fun because that's just not true!


Thanks John, I have new friends and do some fun activities . These were just old friends, I know were I stand now... thanks again

You got it!