Not sure if this app is for this but I’m

Not sure if this app is for this but I’m currently addicted to heroin and trying to quit. My wife caught me using and kicked me out and told me I can’t come back until I’m sober, currently staying the only place I can which happens to be with someone else that uses he’s helping me taper down and won’t give me but like a hit or two a day(I smoke no IV use) when I start getting sick helping bring the tolerance down but I’m still horrified for 2 days from now when I stop just looking for advice and support

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Try to find a detox facility in your area...


I don’t have insurance or the money for a detox center, I’m well below the poverty and I work music festivals for a living so with covid I’m out of work and on unemployment which pays bills but that’s it. I’ve called sahmsa and all the rehabs in town and 2 charities that help addicts pay for rehab and no one could help me and the centers were too much money for me. Trust me I’d love to have that option but I don’t and besides my wife and daughter I’m alone in the world as far as a support system

An an NA are based on a 12 step program and one of those steps is accepting you are too weak to do it alone and giving yourself over to a higher power. I’m more than strong enough to do it alone and I’m very much so the opposite of religious. Went to a local NA meeting 4 months ago and it wasn’t at all my thing and after the meeting there were addicts scoring dope from each other in the parking lot

Start going to meetings, or go into a recovery center... From 30 days to 1 yr programs, there's something for everyone. I didn't really believe this was for me til recently but... it helped alot. And I did intensive outpatient care thru a free program. They had morning afternoon and evening schedules... 4 hr/day for 4 days a week... Or even a weekend option of like two six or eight hour classes.... But they found me all kind of help... Medical drs, mental health support, jobs, apartments... They may not b easy to find but they do exist.. if nothing else go to a meeting. Find someone there interested in helping you. That's what it's about. Then u will have a sober buddy who knows what it's like. Don't lose your familyan. It's not worth it. Good luck. God bless

I would say that it doesn’t seem to be the case that you are strong enough to do it on your own as you say . I know it’s hard. Believing in a higher power does NOT require you to be religious at all. Don’t worry about the negative situation in the parking lot. Comes with the territory . Go somewhere else and don’t give up!!


Sorry to hear that, I previously worked for a free non profit detox and Recovery program... Next move is Get to a meeting... Get a sponsor, they can help you

Hey Tyler,
I can offer support if you are interested. Drug free for 15 years. I’m trying to get sober now. Day 3 if I don’t hear from you I wish you the best!

Wishing you the best, we all think we’re strong enough to put it down on our own but heroin is a different beast. I’m a little over a year clean after ten years of I’ve heroin use. You don’t have to be religious for NA to work, it’s a spiritual program not a religious one and your higher power can be anything you want it to be, doesn’t have to be god. Best advice I can give is to get off the H asap, it gets so much harder and the sickness gets worse the longer you use. You are right tho you can do it just make up your mind and look for help in NA.

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People in the fellowship will likely know of any resources in your area for help with detox or MAT. If you go to a meeting and ask someone in NA.