Not feeling so good about myself today. Went to the

Not feeling so good about myself today. Went to the pharmacy to get my dogs prescription filled. It’s a controlled substance he has seizures. But anyway the vet put down the wrong milligrams on the script. And my luck would have it they are not open on the weekends. 
And I went off on the lady at the pharmacy. I blamed her for not being able to fill the script. Because I need that medicine for my dog. And he doesn’t have enough to last him for the rest of the weekend.
So as I was angry and upset at the lady at the pharmacy her boss came out and I started in on him. So I started walking away and I asked for my script back and he looked at me and he said you’re not allowed in here anymore don’t come back to this pharmacy because you’ll be throwing out if you do. I said that’s OK because there’s more pharmacies out there.

And after sitting for a few hours thinking about it I know I was in the wrong. And I know that I should call them and apologize. But I really don’t feel like it I am just so tired of getting shit on and people not being able to do their jobs right. And I don’t feel like calling to apologize because I acted like an ass. I just want to sit in it and have a pity party for myself I guess

Sorry man, sounds like a rough day. I appreciate the share, I have been in this spot a few times myself. Usually teaches me something I need to work on, lol. Hope things get better for you and your dog :dog2:.

Thank you

No you should apologize or at least try to

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