No more masks as of today. Bars fully open. Ready

No more masks as of today. Bars fully open. Ready to fight that feeling though. This is my “new normal” I’m counting on me, myself, and I.


Dosen't change a single thing for me


It’s been that way where I live more or less all along.. I’m still a drunk and I’m not ever going to drink again or I’ll die drunk.

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With you!

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How is she being selfish?

Yup. In sobriety you have to put yourself first!!

Oh OK. Selfish and self-care are antonyms to me. That's probably where we disconnect.

I’m at a restaurant solo as we speak and the bar area is packed with drunks. This summer is going to be a never never ending New Years with all the rooks getting wasted. Makes it tough as I used to be the happy, fun drunk until I wasn’t. Ugh.

I agree.

Well add the lord in your count and he’ll help you he helped me