Newly sober. 12 days & confused. Any tips?

  • I have social anxiety ( hence the drinking) so i feel too shy to go to a meeting.
    -How do i enjoy things like watching TV sober?
    -How can i de-stress after work as a sober person?
    -Is it normal to feel this bored sober?

I dont have any sober friends to go to.


The feelings are normal. Meetings take time and like you I feel socially awkward most of the time. Try going outside or the gym. There are also zoom meetings that can be good. Just keep trying new things something will click with you sonnet or

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Sonnet or later. Reach out if you need to talk

Thank you so much. I never realized how much social anxiety I have untill I removed the cruch


You might try to find a virtual meeting

Find fun things that you can do sober. Try something new that you can do without setting off your anxiety. I got into running. If that isn’t for you, explore a bit & find something you’d like to try, then go do it.


Virtual meetings helped me a lot. Think about when you were a kid and not drinking. What did you find interesting and exciting? What makes you tick? When you stop drinking you start having a lot more time to re explore things that really matter to you. When you stop drinking you stop thinking about where your next drink is coming from. You can supplement with soda or tea or coffee or whatever. There’s a life beyond drinking. Alcohol just holds you back from really living life. It may seem like a fun thing to drink, but really it’s holding you back from real happiness.


Read, pray, journal, walk, run, anything to keep busy and all things you can do alone. But don't forget that there are others who have that anxiety too and are just waiting for a friend


I do virtual meetings mostly. Many people will post their number for you to call has 24/7 zoom meetings!

Ik I thought I’d never be able to enjoy a baseball game again, but I’ve been to two sober now and had fun.
With time it’s amazing how things we had to be loaded to enjoy before become all the more enjoyable naturally!
I have the social anxiety too, people at meetings can relate and aren’t judgmental about it or anything really. They’re there for us newcomers!! Stay strong! You’ve got through some of the hardest work with 12 days!! Keep crushing it!!


Also exercise naturally produces the dopamine we’re craving!!

A little yoga or stretching routine can help de-stress, give a dopamine boost and be good for the mind!!


I don’t like to go out in public. I drank at home. But being bored is a huge issue for me too. I try to fill it with little things that make me happy. Which isn’t much. When eve I do force myself to go to meeting I feel better after. There are good meetings


Thank you Brad. I started to get back into some of my hobbies i had as a kid and i have really gotten into tea.


Thank you so much for the information and encouraging words Asmo. I will check out some virtual meetings.

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Thank you for the resource! I just attended my first AA meeting (on the website you provided):slightly_smiling_face:

We do it ONE DAY, sometimes even ONE HOUR, or ONE MINUTE at a time. Whatever it takes to not go back. Also, I blare music and sing and dance (poorly) to work my anxiety out :notes::man_dancing:t6::dancer:t3: is another resource for meetings :grinning:


Zoom meetings are great for this portion of your journey. I’m on day 26 so Believe me I get it. I go to three meetings a day sometimes all via zoom


I felt the same way so I tried a zoom meeting to start. Super welcoming, wise and supportive people who understand what you’re dealing with!
I needed a support group and now I have it and there are a ton of groups out there for any time of day and 7 days a week. You can just listen if you don’t feel like talking.

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You wrote about how to destress after work, or watch tv sober. I equally struggle with those. I either, A) have a plan before hand. Driving home from work I think, make a coffee, change clothes, start laundry, call...... having a plan helps. Also, I've noticed I watch less tv because that's a trigger for me to pour a glass, so i do other things. Read, walk, write letters


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