Newbie here and wanted to introduce myself. I am Tricia

Newbie here and wanted to introduce myself. I am Tricia and I am sober for over 2 years now.


Thank is good , welcome Tricia

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Welcome!! Congrats on over 2 years woohoo!!

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That's awesome! :tada:

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Welcome aboard

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Welcome to the family 

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Welcome!! Glad you found the community. It's a great resource for encouragement and support

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Thanks guys it’s been a journey for sure but I love this new sober life I am living. Got my family and finally got a career not just a dead end job.

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Wow! You should be very proud of yourself. I am new to this website as well, and I am just beginning the journey.

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Thank you i am incredibly grayish and proud. I wish you a wonderful journey and if you ever need anything feel free to reach out please

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I am glad I found it as well

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Thanks fam

Thank you


I would love to reach out and stay in touch but I am still trying to figure out this website! If you know how to request hey “friendship“ with me please do so. 

I don’t know how to add you as a friend I wanna cry lol :flushed:

Carol I sent you a friend request I finally figured it out hoops uou accept