New to this Sober Life

First time on here, sober 33 days now, out of rehab for 2 days. This is all a first for me. I am looking for sober friends and activities! I’m in the Tampa area. Also going to go to my first meeting in the next day or two. Not really sure how to pick a meeting and I’m kind of nervous!!


Steven, when you start going to meetings listen for the similarities rather then the differences. Don’t be nervous this is about saving your life.

Thank you! Will do.

Congratulations on your sober time.

Thank you!

You got a friend and any help I can give let me know ok!! So you are really in a delicate situation as I’m sure you already know my best advice for you is find an NA meeting today they are just like family they will get your back also

Steven, congrats and welcome!

Thanks Jerry! I’ve been attending meetings regularly since I got out!

Thanks Robert!

Ok I just know those NA people help me a lot

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Welcome! You are on an amazing journey! So happy for you :blush:

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Welcome! Good work!

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Steven, I am newly sober too. I attend AA online mostly. I go to one physical meeting a week. Not many meetings close to me. I have to manage my routine daily and go to bed early. Message me anytime for support. I get on at least daily.

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Welcome :pray: Steven! Go to a meeting every day for 90 days. If you can find different ones to go to you’ll eventually find a group you like and feel comfortable with. I went to a bunch of them until I found the ones I like that have good people but an even greater message. Enjoy this blissful life you have now chosen!

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Meeting halls have more meetings in a different hours.

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