New to this site recently threw 15 months clean out

New to this site recently threw 15 months clean out the window for heroin and meth got 9 days and struggling

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Welcome to the community. Don’t beat yourself up too much over a relapse, you are human after all. Use this as a learning opportunity, yes you have to detox again but you will come out the other side a bit wiser. Good luck


I did the same thing last year after having 14 months clean and been struggling ever since. I have 5 days now...theres so much more to life than that stuff. The main thing is that you pick yourself back up.

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James, how are you doing?

A Day at a Time, Starr. I take it an hour at a time on bad days. And that's okay.

I also know you want to be sober, because you're HERE and you keep coming back.

James, what I said to Starr is also for YOU!

I was always told, "Don't quit before the miracle!"