New to this app, ive been clean for 2 years,

new to this app, ive been clean for 2 years, only because of being locked up.

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Are you out now

Hi, Megan. Welcome. I believe you have the willpower to stay sober now.

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Wow! Two years!! I would have to say, being force to quit and quitting because you are ready are two different things. I hope you take the lessons you've learned through your down time and create the future you want to have. Not because someone told you to, but because you have the freewill to choose. The world looks better through sober eyes :wink:

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Hi Megan
Congrats on getting out. Please seek help now, as I have been to rehab 3 times and every time I got out, I drank the 1st day. But you have 2 years under your belt and that’s amazing!! I’m thinking you were in a program when you were locked up? If so, keep it going out here!!

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