New to this App. I’m 66 days sober!

If you were replying to me, my name is Timothy, but you can call me Tim, or TJ : )

I’m not familiar with the profession of “Sober Buddies”. How are they compensated? Like by the hour? Or weekly flat rate?

If your relationship was anything like mine, by the end My ex had gaslit, and manipulated me into pushing away anyone in my life who truly gave a shit about me. This left me completely isolated and alone by the time she basically ghosted and abandoned me at pretty much my lowest point in quite awhile.

We deserve so much better than the shit we settled for. That whole experience was quite the wake-up call for me. I dove head first into extensive CBT after that nightmare of a relationship. No longer will I accept less than I deserve. I was a shell of a person by the end of it, now I’m head over heals in love with the man I am.

I wish you much strength and peace on your journey :pray:t3::heart: