New to this app, 3 years sober from booze. Facing

3 years sober from booze. Facing huge hurdles in life right now during separation. It’s been challenging to avoid substances. Feeling so isolated alone and hopeless. Looking for support

Just remember take it one day at a time. If you can’t do it one day at a time take it one hour at a time. I hear what you were saying and I feel the same way. The last four years my life has been hell. My wife passed away I’ve also been diagnosed with Emphysema And chronic heart failure and diabetes. And these are just some of the things that I am dealing with. The best part is I am doing it sober today. I realize there’s nothing in this world that can make me drink again except for myself. As long as I keep working my program and getting support from people like you. 

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I’m so sorry to hear what’s happened to you. Thank you so much for your kind words it means a lot.

What’s kept me sober this long honestly is only because a family member, my cousin, only 32 years old, died from it and we used to be each other’s support.

Sorry to hear about your cousin. I am here for you if you ever need To talk. Just look me up and shoot me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

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You are not alone. Your recovery community is always there. I am 400 days sober today and two years divorced and live alone. There are some tough days but even those pass by. Faith over fear every day. :heartpulse:

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Sometimes in my sober life when things happen that are hard to take, I have to double or triple my efforts. Most of the time expectations are the hardest for me, just when I think things are going to be a certain way or something that I'm hoping for is it going to happen. Then it doesn't or the complete opposite happens. That's what I'm used to you use the things I've learned in the steps, and try to come closer to this power that I found through the steps.

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You are welcome Allison

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