New to the app how about some help to guide me through it

New to the app how about some help to guide me through it.

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Not new to recovery. I took my last drink January of 1991.

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Hey man, that's amazing! Coming up on thirty years?? You're a shining example, that's inspiring.

So this is just a resource to communicate with other people in recovery. Someone with your experience would be an invaluable asset around here. It's basically a social networking app. You'll see a lot of people here who are having a rough time and reaching out for help, someone like you would be a Godsend to give them some words of encouragement or share what worked for you.

Just jump in and start talking to people! Aside from a couple dating scammers floating around this place is perfect for people in recovery, and like I said, someone like you could literally save lives around here.

We'll do the best I can I like to help I work a lot of hours and don't have a lot of spare time but I will take the time to share