New to sobriety

Hi everyone.

Im 19 days in to my sobriety I am new to this app and just looking for some extra help and insight as well as help anyone I can. Look forward to chatting :blush:


Hi, Santana. Glad you are here. Make sure you stay connected to other sober individuals, i.e. on Loosid. Create a list of people you can reach out to if you have an urge to use/drink. Make sure you get plenty of sleep. Stretch or meditate before bed. Bible meditation helps me quite a bit. If you pick up another addiction like food or candy- that is normal. If you fall forgive yourself and get back up. Remember it's 1 day at a time @santana86533.


That's what's up!! This truly is the easier softer way! Connection and support is key. If you ever want to talk I am here for ya! Congrats on your success so far.

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