New to recovery. Needing help w a sponsor

New to recovery. Needing help w a sponsor . Having nightmares . Trouble sleeping . Do not know anyone where I'm at . I have no ride anywhere to do anything I need

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Hi Tiffany. Welcome.

Have you reached out to AA for a sponsor?

Nightmares and trouble sleeping are extremely common in the beginning stages of sobriety. I know it sucks but you have a community at your fingertips ready to help you.

What do you need to do?

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Hi Tiffany, I also welcome you.

I have been sober for 15 years. All that you are experiencing like Amanda said is “normal” they will end, so there is light at the end of the tunnel. Then you will crave sweets, that’s from the alcohol. Definitely get a sponsor or a therapist psychologist. Good luck sweetheart. Have faith in yourself, it’s very hard, but it’s worth it!

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