New to Loosid

Really struggling with isolation and fear.
Can’t stop drinking!
This shame spiral is kicking my a— !
Thanks for listening.

Good morning, alcohol push you to isolation the more you drink you will feel the same. The only solution is seek help, detox to start with and professional treatment, you can’t do it by yourself we all tried and failed, for the fear you have to find the real source of it , time for action good luck and you can do it :+1:

Unfortunately, professional treatment is not an option for me right now. I need to detox and get past the physical need to drink and, most importantly, reach out... I appreciate you responding :v:

Fear of what if I might ask?
Don't feel lonely God will never abandon you...

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Hang in there. Im in the same boat. Always feel guilty and say im never gonna do it again. It will get easier they say. Just those triggers have have to stomp. And the people we associate with. They are enabling. Time will take care of it

Hey Melinda! Welcome to Loosid. I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling right now, and I’ve definitly been there. It’s a vicious cycle and like you said, a spiral. Unfortunately, the only way to stop the spiral is to stop the cycle. Any chance you’d be open to hitting a recovery meeting today? Either online or in person if your area is holding any? A meeting always helps me feel better esp if I’m struggling with loneliness and shame.