New to it

New to it but you gotta start somewhere - 13 days clean today.


Congrats! :tada::tada:

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Thank you :blush:

You started 13 days ago. Everyday is another victory. Atta girl!

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Awesome! It's definitely a big step when you finally commit to sobriety, but it's for sure a huge step in the right direction!

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It’s difficult but I’m trying, thank you!

It is very difficult. You have a lot to look forward to. 13 days is an excellent start. Wait... 14 days now. Celebrate small victories. Don’t be afraid to lean on those close to you. If you don’t have many options, there seem to be plenty here. Hell, send me a message! I’m 16 months along and still have darker days. You got this!


Congratulations Alicia, give yourself grace and it's one day at a time. Hope you find a moment for self-care this weekend, you deserve it!:partying_face:

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Great job

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It is a day, a minute, or an hour at a time. Keep it up, girl !


Stay sober for today, tomorrow do the same, then the next day and the next day..... one day at a time and eventually you will wake up with multiple decades sober. It works if you work it.

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Congrats Alicia, and Welcome..

I only have today
