New sponsor

I was able to get a new sponsor last night at an AA meeting. However, I’m over ruminating on how I tell my last sponsor that I will no longer considering him as my sponsor. Why is this so tough for me? It’s like I’m trying to come up with the best words to say to him. I don’t want to hurt his feelings. It’s like I’m fearing the unknown. Ultimately I just need to tell him. Any thoughts on this? Has anyone switched Sponsors? My reason is I need someone who will push me along these steps. I need face to face contact. He’s told me that he’s still nervous about Covid and doesn’t leave his house. He is older and I totally respect the Covid. Argh….

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Let him know you appreciate all that he has done for you but you’re ready to step up (excuse the pun) your Step work and feel you need the interpersonal connection of person to person contact. You can also explain that you respect his boundaries with COVID which is why you found someone else to work with for now. Just a few thoughts, and if he is spiritually fit he will know it’s not about him :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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That is tough but sometimes it isn’t a good fit. This is your recovery and your sponsor needs to help you grow

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Just be honest with him. He will understand.


As a sponsor who's had sponsees break up with me, I can say that as a sponsor we only want what's best for your recovery. Ask your HP for the right words; I promise it'll work itself out :heart::heart::heart:


That’s beautiful said! Thank you :pray:

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Thank you Shepman! That’s exactly where I’m at.

That was the topic of the meeting on Wednesday. Steve, your right. I must be completely honest. Thank you :pray:

Thank you Bekky, that’s what I needed to hear. He told me the other day that he was taking on another sponsee. So that right there should reinforce that he’ll be fine without me as his sponsee.

Yw my friend. As a prior sponsor. I have to realize when someone goes back out. I didn’t fail they did. I would have appreciated being told they were getting someone else.

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That’s great to know. As I’m afraid to hurt anyone again period.
There’s that fear word again! That’s what I need to not be doing, having fear! And trying to control someone else’s emotions. Thank you this had really helped!

Theo, TY
I’m exactly the same as you when it comes to saying goodbye. It learning who to let go. In this case I don’t necessarily have to stop being friends. I’m few more confident about it now.

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I say just be up front with him and explain that you have found a more appropriate sponsor to meet both of your needs. I had a sponsor once and I just couldn't meet with her when she could. I just told her it wasn't her, it was me. She understood.

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Rigorous honesty my friend. He will be happy for you, because you are willing to do whatever it takes. That’s how it works.


Thank you :pray: makes sense.

Thank you Craig!

Thank you all for your thoughts and recommendations! I appreciate you all for taking your time to help me out. Today I have let my old sponsor (no pun intended) know that I will not be needing his service as I respect his wishes for Covid-19 however I need face to face time. And that I would love to continue to inspire each other and remain friends.
I sent it in a text with my daily calm message.
Love you all! Stay sober my friends! Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the word of courage I honestly want to talk to U we do have somethings in common

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He’s response was truly wonderful. I’m forever grateful. Thank you all that encouraged me to do the right thing. I feel very relieved! Life is beautiful when we are vulnerable and honest!

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