New...need support...i start drinking wine when at 5 and don’t

New here...need support...i start drinking wine at 5pm and don’t stop until 1 - 2 bottles are has become a habit after kids moved out and a divorce after 30 years. Just been an unhealthy habit I need my mornings back! Can anyone relate? This is day 3 for me...failed on my own...thought I would try this! Tried substituting until I have a great day...then I want my “wind down” wine!


Good for you. I’m 60 years old and on my 5 day sober. I have been sober on and off my whole life. All I can say is 5 days is better than no days. Don’t quit trying. I’ve tried everything. AA meetings this app etc. All I can say is it feels good to be sober. I admitted to my doctor what was going on. I was scared to death to do that. I have a prescription for antibuse and an appointment for consoling. Keep fighting. Drinking is easy. Soberity is hard but worth it. Keep us informed on how you’re doing

Thank you...i admitted to my best friend three days ago...something about owning that made me seek out support! I understand! Breaking a habit we can do it!!

Jeannie, wine is my go-to as well. I can leave pretty much anything else alone. My problem is that one bottle is never enough, so I drink two (or more), feel absolutely sick the next day, so I get more. Then I'm on a 3-4 day bender. Today is my 3 weeks, and it feels great, but I'm always scared when the weekend comes.


Yes...i have left for many weeks...only to comfort back! Tired of losing morning time!

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Hi there! I can absolutely relate. You are not alone. My 1-2 bottles a night escalated over the years to 2-3, etc. until I was drinking round the clock. If you can moderate it, kudos to you. But do remember it is a slippery slope. I don't want you ttyt o have to endure the pain of not stopping when you could have :heartpulse:

Get up, get out, stay busy.
Idle minds...well you know.
Take me sailing!

Day 3 you're on the tail end of the rough part keep truckin! It's awesome you're reaching out Jeannie because none of us can do it alone. Just as it takes a village to raise a child it takes a community to get and stay sober. Life is better on the sober side I promise. It maybe hard to see it right now but you're kickin butt! This is a great community and resource and there are prople on here that get exactly where you are at. Don't quit before the miracle happens!! Proud of you!!

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I do the same. I slipped yesterday and drank 2 bottles . I hate myself today

It is our is a new day to reset! I think admitting we slip is part of the realization process...before we get to a first goal is 30 days...I have not made that in 6 months now...but I am not giving up...and forgive least we are trying!

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