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idk how to handle sobriety i struggle with harder substances and get sick when i dont give in which makea it easoer to slip. i have a new job and really cant screw this up.


Thanks for sharing your story Jim. I have found support and success in 12-Step meetings. Addiction is better fought with numbers, rather than alone.


I minute, one hour, one day at a time. Fight the urge. I know the feeling. I was addicted to opioids for about 10 years and cold turteyed that addiction. It's not easy I know but you have to find only one person or reason to motivate you


Congratulations on the new job! For me I also had to go to treatment to get off opoids, I cold turkeyed off IV using heroin but couldnt stop drinking or taking narcotic pain meds so I went to treatment, and when I got out sober living & 12 step groups. I needed as much accountability as I could get as i tried to get sober so many times and couldn’t do it alone. you could try outpatient treatment too so you could keep working, if you click sobriety help in the navigation bar there’s a bunch of treatment centers relative to you including outpatient centers or places you can go for addiction help.

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Same ive gone one day now lol excited and nervous bit hopeful cause I know there's hope if I didn't have hope id have nothing. Theres hope dont forget that keep hanging on to it :slightly_smiling_face: