New Here✨ Just wanted to say hello & introduce myself

New Here✨
Just wanted to say hello & introduce myself.
I’m Bonnie. I’ve been sober from alcohol for a year and a half after a relapse in 2019. I am a professional chef and spent some time working at a rehab center where I saw first hand how what we eat in recovery effects our ability to manage our emotions, heal our bodies and stick with recovery. It changed the way I eat and ultimately the way I live. When I’m not cooking or working with clients I am usually making art, blogging doing yoga or hanging out with my plants.. they have taught me a lot about what it is to grow. I’d love to hear what has changed in your life since you decided to quit drinking. :pray:

Hello Bonnie. Welcome to this awese group. I am in the same boat. I have changed eating and lifestyle habits since i have emersed myself in to the medical field and have learned how much these factors influence a person holistically. I added you as a friend:) lets chat sometime.