New here, it’s been about 60 hours since my last

New here, it’s been about 60 hours since my last drink. Ive relapsed many times and as soon as the withdrawals go away I always start again. :sob: how do y’all do it :sob: I still feel so shitty

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I go to meetings. I listen to what has worked for others. I realize that we all tell the same story of misery and regret.

I got a sponsor and did the work. I broke the drink/shame/quit/relapse cycle by changing my approach. Because if you do the same thing you’ve always done, you get what you’ve always gotten.

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It’s not easy, but it slowly gets easier.

Here is what helped me:
In the beginning, try to avoid looking at it, thinking about it, and for fucks sake don’t smell it.
Distractions help. I started making horrible digital art. Anything that keeps your attention, longer than you can keep from thinking about it, is a help.
Most of all, don’t shut yourself off from everyone. Talking to people is one of the things that helped me the most.
If you have no one to talk to, or don’t want to talk to them in this state, or just want to talk to someone who understands the feeling, talk to me. Or find someone else on here, or at meeting or something.

Keep your head up. Life isn’t over yet and you can do this.
Oh, and don’t listen to anyone who trivializes how difficult it is.
This community is here for you.

Stay positive and find some tunes sober or otherwise that make you feel better in the moment... instead of day by day moment by moment is how to start. And pray every morning :sunrise_over_mountains: