New here I think this a great outlet for recovery

New here I think this a great outlet for recovery. I’ve been off pills for 6 years now and I’m thankful for every day. I stopped smoking weed 7 months ago after smoking 10+ years. Lately my drinking has gotten out of hand and I just wish there was in person meetings around me!

Willpower... lol G-d and 12 steps is needed here

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Glad your on here keep trudging it might get rough but don’t be afraid to do Zoom meetings I to struggle with getting to in person meetings but we have to at least settle for virtual for now, I promise it’s not as stupid as it sounds and it is helpful still, in person is better but zoom still helps. Message me if you need any information regarding finding zoom meetings I’d be happy to help

Thanks you guys for responding. I realize not drinking is the same process as getting clean off pills. It does come down to will power. The fact that I can walk across the street and grab a drink is a struggle. I haven’t drank in 2 days so I’m on a streak but I can’t seem to go out to dinner or go on a date without having a drink. This is something that I will have to be diligent about daily.


Welcome David