New her and I have been relapsing lately. Trying not

New her and I have been relapsing lately. Trying not to beat myself


I know that one.

Hey Terance. Welcome. We fall, and we get back up. Take it one day at a time, hit up recovery meetings, and keep connecting on here. We got yu.

Hey Terance, I know how you feel. I relapsed many times until I just didn't anymore. One of the keys for me was learning from each relapse. What caused it? What happened? Who was I around? What was I thinking? How was I feeling? Once I started identifying my triggers and tracking my urges, it became easier to avoid/minimize a lot of my triggers and it became easier to overcome the urges because I had a plan to manage them whenever I couldn't avoid a trigger and for the times I would get an overwhelming urge to use unexpectedly. Eventually, I learned how to transform my beliefs and mastered some emotion regulation skills and that's when all of my addictions became unnecessary. Remember, your addiction is not the problem. It's the symptom of a problem (e.g. suffering). And when you solve a problem by eliminating what's causing the problem, symptoms naturally go away. Stay strong and don't beat yourself up, bro. Learn from each relapse and keep trying. You'll get where you want to be soon enough.

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This is great advice.

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Thanks Allie! :slightly_smiling_face:

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