New beginnings

Hi guys!
I recently moved back to West Virginia. I thought that I was going to help myself and it was better for everyone. I feel more alone that ever. I’m trying to make new friends but it’s really hard I cut everyone off from here and I’m just trying to take it one day at a time. If anyone has any ideas on what to do like activities wise and how to make friends I’d love that lol. I’m having it rough so yea.

Sorry you’re having such a hard time!! I Would consider going to meetings if you can to meet people or on zoom and share that you need support

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I would definitely recommend meetings and a sponsor. Having someone to talk to is one of the biggest things I needed!

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I actually am attending one rn and I got a sponsor now. It’s just so draining

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Good !! that’s awesome I’m glad you got a sponsor ! She should help :pray:

That is awesome!! It gets better :+1: