New and Need PPL to Talk to

Read my bio for more info but I’m 6 months sober and very lonely. Lost a lot of friends and I’m just not doing well.

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Hang in there. COVID doesn’t help with loneliness. Focus on self care. When I feel lonely or anxious I listen to a book on tape and go for a walk. It helps.


Hey, Brendan. I'm sorry you're going through all this. But you have a lot of friends on Loosid. Continue to connect with others. Get to know others- I'm sure you'll find friends.

Hang in there, bud.

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I lost a ton of friends too! Always being the “party girl” means nobody invites “sober girl” to hang out. Just stay strong and remember you’re doing this for yourself and someday it will all pay off. Be a stronger you.

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Congratulations on 6 months, my friend. At 6 months I was starting to discover nature sober.

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Hi there! Great to meet you.

Don't we all. It's so hard to make friends, no matter how you cut the cake.