Need to get this off my chest! People piss me

Need to get this off my chest! People piss me off! You can’t call your self sober and talk bout how hard it is when you just switched from 1 drug to another!!! That is not real sobriety!!! Makes me so mad! You don’t know how hard it actually is! Your a fake!......that’s all!

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Are you referring to subs like Suboxone and methadone? I find addicts who get emotional over other peoples choices need to address their codependency. This is a huge trigger for addicts to relapse. Don't allow others choices to effect your emotions in such a string way is so important for sobriety.


First thing in Recovery Focus on yourself no one Els💯


Nah, she has a point. But the adage of focusing on yourself rings true as well. Those who switch cheapens the process for the rest of us while the latter could hinder that of those looking for true recovery. Hope it works our regardless!

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It is true what is said. However I sure as hell cannot judge lol. They are still in active addiction.

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Just my personal experience. I had to stop worrying about others sobriety. I had , have to continue every day to focus on mine.

No one is to judge us but God everyone is working on releasing there inner demons. Some do it differently than others but the most important part of recovery is to put all your focus on you. Don't let others veer you off the path your taking. Take it one day at a time.

I Know someone who quick drinking the same time that I did. He relied on edibles and such where I did not. He refers to himself as “sober” and to me as “clean and sober”. The substance that destroys you should be left behind.

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Sometimes people speak things they want to happen though it's not happening, yet or something they want to believe is true. I went through a period in my life that caused me to think I was ugly. I told myself daily for nearly a year I was the most beautiful woman before I began to accept a glimpse of my beauty. I don't have children yet- but I voice to my husband and closest friends that I am a great mom because that's a big goal of mine. So they may not be lying but rather speaking that they will be sober.