Need to get sober

Need to get sober after relapsing 3 weeks ago didnt have many people in my life to start but the last person i had shit the door on me after what was a one day lapse in sobriety and after the disappointmen of that went on now what has become a 3 week run havent even begun withdrawl yet and feeling very anxious especially because now i am doing this completely on my own my benefits expired sept 1st so cant go to detox i live alone and as i said earlier dont have anyone in my life all the people i use to call friends have either grown apart or become toxic and my family is distant and we rarely speak forget seeing each other or spending time i am grateful for life and waking up this morning thank God for that i have hope things can get better and know they can with sobriety i am just really overwhelmed right now and to be quite honest kind of scared to be alone the silence and isolation is the worst place for me to be

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Good morning @Thomas87313. Loneliness is hard. It hurts. Mankind isn't meant to be alone.

I know you stated you're not currently insured- have you looked into state funded programs? If not, look into them. You might ask your primary care physician if s/he knows anything.

Know you have a large group of supporters on Loosid.

Have a good day.

Thank you

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Hey Thomas thanks for pouring your heart out on here!!! it is probably really hard being alone, sorry you lost your benefits, could you maybe find a state funded or low cost detox center? I couldnt afford detox so I detoxed on my own too but was able to get into a state funded treatment center for in patient as well as 6 weeks of IOP treatment. maybe IOP is an option? also have you been to any meetings in your area? We had a few in person ones open back up & there’s a ton on zoom

Hey man I totally understand where your coming from I basically have nobody as well but this thing we are doing in recovery is for us nobody else man if you need to talk hit me up

Try to stay in the here and now don't worry about family or anything be proud of the fact that you want to get sober and you can do this you're stronger than you think you are if we can do what we did in the street and make it out you can do this one second at a time be easy on yourself my name is Michelle and I only have 3 months over but I've been in and out the program for a long time I'm proud of the fact that you put all that information out there like that and if you ever need somebody to talk to I'll be there for you we all need somebody and what gets me through in my relationship with God a lot of people have trouble believing in him and praying to him because they believe how can a guy who loves you allow so many bad things to happen but he turns all that around as a testimony to help others breathe deep take baths and keep talking on this app if you're scared you're feeling lonely anxious put it out there and tell people and I'll do my best to look for anything you put out there to encourage you and to motivate you and to let you know that I love you I don't have to know you to love you and you're going to be okay you have to push through we have to learn to get comfortable with uncomfortable it's going to be okay

Hey Thomas my name is Michelle and I'm texting you to let you know that everything's going to be okay I'm really proud of the fact that you put all that out there on this app it shows desperation to get better and you will and don't worry you have somebody out here that cares about you and that's me I don't have to know you to love you stay in the here and now one moment at a time

I'm new to this and know the loneliness feelings well,hit me up if you wanna talk

Hey Thomas; I read your plea outloud and couldn't help but seeing so much of myself in you, I have felt this way many many times in my life for the last 15 years and it's the most lonely feeling in the world. The good thing now Is that you don't have to do it alone. I got sober 6 months ago after a long battle with alcohol and pills, while I still have some moments where I am anxious and depressed I am so thankful to be where I am and you can be here too. Hit me up if you need anything.

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Thank you all so much for the love support and words of encouragement i cant tell you how much it means to me to know thst someone is out there listening snd cares truly as for my journey towards sobriety just kniw all i am really trying ive been praying alot and hopefully soon ill be looking back on this only to see how far ive come thank you do much sincerely-LOVE!!!….

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